Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Making plans that make sense....

For me a huge part of this business has been about knowing what I wanted. If you know what you want, exactly then you can break it down into small manageable chunks and that helps you know when you can have what you want. The only part left becomes the how...which of course in film is the hard part.

Usually what I want in terms of my career comes with a really good sense of why I want what I want. Some body said to me years ago(sorry I can't recall whom) that this business "forces you to become the person you have to be", or you don't make it. That last part I tacked on because you don't see people who are A-list anything who did not have to sacrifice and grow. No, Paris Hilton is not A-list in my opinion. Dave Chappelle said it best when he was on Inside the Actors Studio after his stint in Africa. Dave said, "There are no lazy people up here,(motions to the stage)". He was talking about Martin Lawrence and why various very talented individuals where struggling with fame.

Having said all of that my game plan, and I mean the big "Take over the world" plan for the most part stays the same. The steps to that plan are in a constant state of adjustment and flux. I will say that the big plan does not change as much as it get's "Fine Tuned".

Now to my real point: I can't decide what to do next.

Status updates:
  • The pitch, UNKNOWN/PENDING
  • Production Assistant work, NOT GONNA HAPPEN RIGHT NOW...maybe soon
  • Being an "Extra" on different sets, CURRENTLY PAYING THE BILL BUT...
Really what this comes down to is....I need a job.

There I said it and after working on the biggest movie of 2011, after meeting one of THE biggest names in Hollywood and having him give me and a friend of mine a job personally. After getting consistently on a TV show and getting a second job to fill the gaps that the TV show did not work me for, in the end it's not enough.

Granted I though I had an in for the PA job on this next big film that is in town but those with more experience and longer relationships got it. Which I don't really begrudge them for(ok maybe a little). Really thought I am not bitter just, well exhausted and kind of shell shocked. I mean here was this...thing that came into my life and took over and I loved every second of it. Well now, there is a slim chance that I can keep working on it but not very big one. I just did a short as a way of keeping myself relevant but the contest that supposed to keep me in a certain persons mind, rejected my film. I could not even compete in the contest.

So now what, I've got one group of rappers that think I am going to help them make the best underground video of all time, and a Editor/Director friend that thinks she has a buddy who might have some money to give if some film people want to help him create content for his web-site which gets 200 hits per every video he puts out himself.

While all of this is well and good, I have $2.00(excluding other random change) dollars to my name 3 suit cases of clothes a box of paper and my laptop to my name. Oh and a cell phone bill and a storage unit bill for all my junk that is still in SO-CAL.

So two bills, no real income, and a couple of "maybe it will work" to potentially work on. Not to mention my own short "no picket fence" which seems to never be getting made. Did I mention that I need to move soon? That last one is the biggest really, with no real money coming in the "grace" of my hosts is wearing thin, as it should be.

Enough whining, it's solution time!

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