Monday, October 11, 2010

The Feature Film that was "Dead Thursday"

So seven months have passed since I started this thing. A lot has happened. I will attempt a brief summary and then out-line the current plan.

"Dead Thursday" an independent feature film.

-Attempted to find funding for a movie that Joshua Kulic wrote and was going to Direct and that he and I had hoped to attach David Duchovony too. That fell apart, basically I could not find anybody to give us any funding. In my mind it came down to three things.
1. Not enough of the right people involved in pre-production.
2. A good business plan.
3. Personal Resources Management.
4. Time table
5. Proximity

Items two and tree could be applied to multiple people involved but which I mostly blame myself for. I just did not know enough about writing business plans to do one in the time frame which we had. Not being able to sit down with the director and discuss the project was also a huge hinderence. Had I had additional people to help with all of the little things that I needed help with to get the big things done it may have worked. I just don't have all the answers to all of why that did not happen. Good script, good director, needed a better producer.

In Summary the last 7 months:
  • Cancelled Indie Film
  • Went back to college
  • Got on a large studio project as an extra
  • Worked on 5 student films in one week
  • Met a famous director
  • Met a famous producer
  • Got a job on a big budget film
  • Had the best 11days of my life working on a film
  • Amazing at the wrap party the director knew who I was still
  • Re-shooting my short for school
  • Getting a pitch ready for an opportunity of a life time
  • Waiting to find out if I got work on the next big film that is in town.
The current plan:
Right now the plan is to get the pitch ready to present(can't say about what) and then getting the short film "picket fence" ready for me to Direct. Shooting dates are the 14th through the 24th of
October. Oh, yeah and I have no money and quit my job too soon. That is before I found out for sure about the PA job on the next movie, I basically hosed myself.

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