Monday, October 11, 2010

After "Dead Thursday" died...

Basically after that whole thing happened I had to rethink my approach. I knew that their where a lot of things that I did not know so I had to start over. I had to find a way to learn the things I did not know.

Oh God, that means I probably have to go back to school.

Which I did, but not all the way. Initially I was off in my timing so the semester had already started when I ran into a professor and took a class that would change everything.

I will get more into that on the next blog. For now thought I wantevd to talk briefly about a couple things.

One: Giving myself the Right Too...
Two: People who Sacrifice for a project, and people who don't

One: Giving myself the right too. What this means is that sometimes we limit ourselves in what we do because we don't think it is something that we have the right to even consider. I mean, I can't direct. I could not possibly, just look at all the movies that all of the director's I know have to know and all the stuff they had to learn.
The problem with the above statement is that is does not even consider the possibility that people who "talk a good game" are still terrible directors.

In the words of my current mentor "why am I watching this?", if you can't answer that question right, then it does not matter how many shot's you can design in an hour or if you have memorized every line in Magnolia and Adaptation.
Really what it came down two is that I was comfortable not trying, and now that is something that had to change. I had seen what other directors where doing(had done) wrong and I know how to do it right. So, now I am. In four days official production begins on my first short film that I will be directing/writing/producing. The best part of that statement is that the first thing that comes to mind is all of the other people that are becoming a part of the "the team".

Two: People who Sacrifice for a project, and people who don't. This, dynamic is a matter of life and death when it comes to independent film ANYTHING! A short, a feature, a web episode, or a doc. It does not matter what your doing if somebody in your organization is not willing to sacrifice for the project that is always going to be a weak point. This, is also true in reverse. The more someone is willing to sacrifice for the project, the stronger that person's department/job are will be and the better your project will be. This is true from the best producer to the worst extra. If they won't sacrifice for it, at the end of the day, they do not really, and I mean REALLY want it.

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