Monday, August 15, 2011

The Michael Bay experience

Basically I am talking about this so I can be done with it and say, "read my note". When comes to film everybody seems to get convinced that they are an expert on it because they have an opinion. Some one was telling me that Transformers movies where garbage because they did not have good three act structure and that Michael Bay had no right to get behind a camera unless he was the head of some explosion shot.

Several people have gone on and on about how terrible a person MB is and just overall a famous person's son who "cheated" his way into the industry, blah blah blah.

You know what, maybe all of these critic's are right. I only know what my experience is and the little details about MB's personal life and what ever I could care less about.

2 things, one Michael Bay gave me a chance and I know that when I saw him at the wrap party for the Chicago Crew he was genuinely excited when I told him that myself and Rob got to work on the film for 11 days. He was excited to talk about the robots and the place that the film was coming from. He was talking to me not at me or over me. We had a conversation (Ian Bryce chiming in at the right spots) that if you heard it would sound like two geek's who loved Transformers as kids and got to see them come to life.

You may have to "run with a banana" on a MB set, but that is to me is an honor.

Besides I was in a Military Academy that was sponsored and run by JTF6 out of Panama, and a Heavy Industrial Painter's Apprentice I can work 99% of anybody I meet under the table. People complain because the can't handle the heat.

Yeah I know, it's not cool or whatever to be excited about working on a film, and I know the enthusiasm and a genuine desire to work my arse off on a set are usually looked down upon by all the cool kids because they are so "unimpressed by famous people".

For me I say "It would suck to not be excited" because that would mean I no longer love what I do and it is just a job. I have 3 jobs, and they will always be just a job. The first short film I ever wrote, took me 5 weeks dozens or rewrites. Josh(the director) and myself stayed up for 72 hours straight building set's and doing everything to make sure things where ready when the crew got there, during the shoot and after everybody left.

It was the beginning of my career and one of the best days of my life. I have been to Hollywood, I have sold everything for a film, I have been hung up on, blown meeting, and slept on the street for a networking opportunity. Yet on day 11 on MB set it was still like that first day painting sets and going over the script with a fellow film junkie at 2 in the morning.

I am not in film because "it's cool" or "it beat bar tending/or school". I am in film because I am addicted I love it it is part of what I am. Guess what, it's part of who Michael Bay is. When I met him and Ian on what Rob and I call "Day 0" I saw what I could become. The odds are good that I won't, that doing what I am doing now is as far as many people ever get.

The thing is I've already won, because I know that I am never going to stop. What ever the odds who ever tries to crush my career, or tell me I don't know how to light a shot, or my script "still needs work". It does not matter these are the same people who hate MB yet who have never Directed anything. When your talking in film, generally your not doing.

That said, I have work to do.

Originally posted on my facebook...

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