Sunday, October 17, 2010

Transitions: Part 1

This is just a quick note to start off the segment but it's important. As a filmmaker you life is in a constant state of flux. Especially it would seem when your attempting to make your way in the early stages. Part of this is because of a couple of different things:

One: What ever baggage you have from any other part of your life has to be either contained or eliminated. Film is not an escape, it's a magnifying glass.

Two: Everybody else. That means, your family and friends that you have know forever but are not part of the film world. They will do anything and everything that you don't want/need either separately or as a group. The bottom line is you get one, maybe two people in your whole family who will really get it, keep in mind some people don't even get that. EVERYONE else will diminish, belittle, dismiss, belittle, or outright laugh at what your doing. Even if your getting paid, it does not matter unless your driving an Italian sports car or something they WILL NOT treat any of it like a real job or career.

Some thoughts on the subject. As far as I can tell it is a temporary illness on the part of our families. By the way families is including everyone who is part of your "important people" circle. Anyway, it believe that our families have two choices, accept us as some sort of "artist" and always look at us with a mild kind of distaste, or come around two what is really happening.

Here is the other part, this is for all of you and myself the hard part. "What if our families are right?"

They aren't, it's not possible to be right about your opinion of something that you don't understand. Keep in mind, if your working in the industry your winning. If you have a game plan and your working it your winning.

The last part, you have to cut them out. If ANYBODY, girlfriend, wife, mom, dad, cousin, or even your own children(obviously I mean grown children). You have to decide two things one, if they are on board or not. If they are not they WILL sabotage your work. If your undecided about whether or not they are on-board then give it time and your career will get in the way of their agenda eventually and you will know.

Then if they are in the way you have to get the out of your life, as cleanly as possible. Not forever necessarily but they cannot be apart of the decision making process for you in anything that you do. If you have little one's and are in film adjust this accordingly, because I can't say, I don't have kids but I believe while they are still young you don't have a life except for them. Your dreams will have to wait(that is my opinion, unless you can do both. If for instance the child is in the industry but that is another topic all together.)

Eventually they can come back, eventually they will see you on TV, or something you've done. Maybe enough time will have passed in which you did not call them asking for some kind of help and they will begin to believe by default.

At the end of the day, we the filmmakers hold all of the cards. When we make it and how we make it is up to us. WE are the one's who define how all of this plays out, we just HAVE to define it. We have to make a jump. Ultimately it is all up to whether or not we believe that we have what it take's to do this or not.

Now I have to go rake leaves, or my "family" is gonna get pissed.

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