Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I just have to say something....the pitch

I today, just sent the email. The person that is supposed to have the pitch now has it in her email in-box. For sure, my short film is suffering because I am so distracted by this pitch. It's 7:46 pm and I am exhausted like I just ran a marathon.

If this happens, it will not be a small thing. I will begin the work that will change the rest of my life, my families lives(yes that is plural un-purpose), and the lives of every friend/person in my life.

So many stories to tell, so much film that needs to worked on. It's like, if I can just become the person I need to be, if I can just get to the position to make these things in my mind happen then I truly have a hope for a great tomorrow.

Ha, ha, maybe I am more tired than I think.

It's ironic, I am sitting here with only pennies to my name, waiting on an email or phone call that could begin the journey that I have been waiting to take my whole life. I am not sure what the right thing is to even say. No one is reading this but I feel like, ya know someday somebody will. To that person I don't know what to say, this feeling is like nothing else. It's not like love, it's a dull ache but in a good way. It's like I am drunk but happy and scared at the same time. It's way harder then I though it would be. If your like me then what you want to know is nuts and bolts, "how do I". To that I say...

What I did right:
Learn how to talk on the phone
  • Don't hang up till the person on the other end gives you something you can use
  • When you hang up leave on a pleasant not
  • When something pisses you off make yourself smile on the phone.
  • ALWAYS call back right away if you missed something, never "do it later"
  • ALWAYS call back, and ALWAYS keep calling
  • Learn how to watch what is going on around the production and time your calls
everyone can learn how to talk on the phone, nobody is born with it(no matter how it seems), I am great on the phone and I still have to work up for big calls. I started being afraid to call a Community College about registration information, it took me a week to make that call. That was 11 years ago. I had to keep making hard phone calls and being aware of what I was saying on the phone.

There, hope some of that is useful, now I am going to bed....hahaha its 8:01

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