Monday, January 4, 2010

Monday "The Plan" for this week.

This last week a good friend of 20yrs passed and left behind her 14yr old daughter. Her name was Elaine Kirkpatrick and she was 47. R.I.P. She will be dearly missed.

"The Plan" -Monday 1/4/2010

The Plan for this next week basically is to try to figure out angles to sell a feature script that we have gotten our hands on. Now this script is about six years old and is written by two writers Josh and I do not know(Josh is of course the soon to be famous Joshua Kulic, and my partner-in-crime). The thing is this script was shopped around six years ago and had generated a substantail abount of industry buzz.
The script has two notes on the top for actors that where considered one is "Kevin Spacy" the other is "Jude Law". The reason this script fell through was that the studio's felt the political climate was not right.

Well it's been six years and a lot has changed.

I will be in LA sometime in the next week, what we are going to try to do(amoung a million other things that I have to do while I am home) is stir up interest about the film and attach ourselves too it.

First we tag-team phone call the producers that where originally attached to the script, then the actors we want, then the "Money". We go round and round and round calling and calling. Basically we are going to tell the "Money" that we have talked to "____" actor and he/she is interested. Then we sell the "Why" the film should be made and why we should make it. Simple, it's a good script and nobody else is interested. It will make money. (Yeah not a really great plan I know, this is what I call a classic case of pulling stuff out of our collective @$$!)

The goals are two things:
1. To secure funding and rights to make a feature film of a script we don't yet own.
2. To be annoying enouph to get noticed and hired to do something else.
(Yeah I know I said two)
3. To get Josh to admit that we need to finish one of our other short films and go to the festival circut like all the other sane film makers. Then after we've hit a couple of festivals try this crap. Atleast at that point we have something to show when we get rejected.

I will post more when I am in LA and have some picks from our adventures.

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